
¡@Interviews ¡áQuestionnaire


¡@¡@Our team visited a famous wedding gown shop street to interviewed some prospective brides and grooms for our project. Though it was quite tough for the first-timer, we still completed the task successfully.

¡@¡@£á Qustionnaire


¡@¡@£á Result  
* Do you have any idea about the traditional wedding ceremony customs?
¡@1) Fairly much
2) Kind of¡@¡@
¡@3) Not quite

1. Do you know the differences between using a rice sieve and using a black umbrella when the bride gets off the wedding vehicle?
¡@1) The bride is pregnant or not
¡@2) The difference between the southern and northern part of Taiwan
¡@3) Not sure

2. Do you know the meaning of splashing a ladle of water of the bride side when the bride steps out of the house?
¡@1) Fairly much
2) Kind of¡@¡@
¡@3) Not quite

3. Do you know why the bride throws a fan out of the wedding vehicle?
¡@1) Fairly much
2) Kind of¡@¡@
¡@3) Not quite

4. Do you know why the bride needs to cross over the stove and step on the tiles before getting into the house?
¡@1) Fairly much
2) Kind of¡@¡@
¡@3) Not quite

5. Do you know why the bride touches tangerines before getting off the wedding vehicle after arriving at the groom¡¦s house?
¡@1) Fairly much
2) Kind of¡@¡@
¡@3) Not quite

6. While the groom¡¦s family asks a matchmaker to match up, whom do they ask?
¡@1) Relatives
2) Parents¡¦ friends
¡@3) Professional matchmakers
¡@4) neighbors


Liao, Pei-Yu; Liao, Bo-Cyuan; Chen, Wen-Hsiang; Deng, Chun-Yu; Jhag, Jia-Yu; Lin, Yi-Ling; Lin, Jia-Xuan; Chen, Shuan; Chen, Yu-Jhen; Wei, Han-Song; Chuang, Ting-Yi


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